You know, have people say, be careful what you wish for.
One of my wishes was, not to see, people from my past.
I know, it's an impossible mission, but everytime I saw someone from my past, I didn't feel to happy about it. It bring memories. Not positive memories. And I always fill that, when I see someone from my past, he or she is returning me back in time. They will always see me as the person, that I was before. I don't like that at all! For them, I will always be the boy, that is unmature, that have done this and that, and will be forever stuck in the past, as them.
That's why, when I see someone from my past, I try to avoid him and I wish that I meet less and less people, from my past, at all.
Well, I try so hard to accomplish this task, that now it's come true. But in a wrong way..
I can't believe how many years I try to avoid people from my past and with that action I also scared away, people from my present. I don't know is it karma, but my wish, come true, and it dosent feel too good.
I am writing because, recently on one event, last friday, I saw people from my volunteer group, and no one from them, spoke to me. It was like, I was a ghost. They were walking thrue me, even that our eyes met. No one of them spoke to me, even that just before one month we were seeing each other, at meeting of the volunteer group.
The day after, I was thinking to call, one of the members of the group, to ask them, what is the problem, why they react like that..but as I was thinking, no matter what explanation they give me, were going to be no good. I was just going to curse them and say that they are hypocrites. Bloody hypocrites. Just month before, we were talking, laughing and things like that, and now, they even can't say one "Hi" to me.
And the story contunied with the coincidence meeting, with the leader of the volunteer group, on the street. She just look me and didn't say anything. I don't know were I go wrong, or why they refuse to speak with me. I just prefer to not care about them anymore. If they want silence- silence I will give them. I can't figure out, why they act like this, but I know that is not my fault.
Relationships with people are difficult and sometimes confusing. I can't help them or force them, to say "Hi". We will be now strangers, from now on. Just another strangers on the street.
Also, to make it more beautiful, a person who I keep meeting, for almost a year and something, said to me, or make a suggestion, that our seeing is over.
That was just, the finishing of the gratest story, called "How people, can forget about you"
But, what you give is what you take. So..I deserve it. Maybe. I will not care about them. They will not care about me.
The good news are, new friendships, are on the horizont, the weather is getting warmer, and I hope that my smile will be real, after a time.
Be careful what you wish. Because sometime a wish can come true.